The United Nations Association of Mongolia is a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) which represents and coordinates a membership of over 100 national United Nations Associations and their thousands of members. UNA Mongolia was officially established as an NGO in April 2021, following a lengthy process of initiation at the WFUNA, which started in September 2019.
A model NGO that engages diverse members across the globe who contribute to increasing development opportunities for people in Mongolia.
We aim to fill the opportunity gap in Mongolia through implementing innovative projects that promote sustainable development.
We believe that peoples’ involvement in all levels of local, national and global decision-making is essential in order to achieve the goals of the United Nations.
Membership based
Membership to the Association is open to both individuals and organizations. Individuals must be 18 years and older, with a strong desire to contribute to society and support the Association’s work.
We are currently recruiting members. More information can be found on our Facebook page.
Global network
UNA Mongolia is a member of WFUNA and will be a part of more than 100 UNAs all over the world.
UNA Mongolia priorities
Global citizenship education
Educating youth on global citizenship issues
Sustainable economic development
Ensuring economic progress that is sustainable
Peace and security
Supporting peacebuilding initiatives in the region and beyond
Environment and disaster risk reduction
Raising awareness about climate change
Health and social policy
Providing input in social policy and public health